Southern Flying Squirrel
Scientific name: Glaucomys Volans
Size: 20-30cm long including tail
Lifespan: 10-15 years
Natural range: Southern and Eastern United States
- fine wire cage
- minimum of 50 by 50cm at base and 1m high for a pair
- they are very social and should be kept in same sex pairs or groups
- Bedding: aspen or corn cob
- Accessories: wheel, nesting box, wood chews, tubes, branches
- mixture of high quality commercial seed mix, cat kibble, rodent blocks, fresh vegetables, dried fruit and nuts
- occassional cricket or mealworm
- need a vitamin D3 supplement
- reach maturity at 4 months old
- gestation is 42 days
- litter size varies from 3-4
- pregnant and nursing females should be housed away from other females and if kept with a male, have a separate nesting box
- should be socialized from about 3 weeks old
- eyes open 1 month old
- should be weaned by 2 months old